Magnetic Marketing
In a culture that so often promotes immediate gratification it sometimes goes unrealized that there are beneficial, cost effective alternatives to instant results. This fact also undoubtedly applies to the world of marketing and advertising. A perfect example of how the virtue of patience can pay off is with the use of promotional magnets.
All promotional products should be distributed with the assumption that, although your prospective customer does not need your product or service at that moment, the need for what you offer will someday arise. Knowing this, you give away a free promotional item with your company information emblazoned upon it. If the promotional item performs a useful function for your prospect it is more likely that they will hold onto it. One day, when their computer crashes and they notice their familiar ABC Computer Repair coffee mug staring back at them, the investment pays off.
The preceding example may seem like an oversimplification, but it really isn’t. The complicated part about planning a promotional campaign is finding an effective, functional promotional item that is within your budget. Some companies can’t afford to print up the amount of coffee cups that would yield a significant ROI (return on investment) so they might opt for something less expensive like a keychain or promotional pen. These items are okay, but they do have significant shortcomings. For example, most people are not going to replace their current keychain with the cheap, soft plastic model that most promotional companies offer. Although this item is functional it is not highly desirable. The promotional pen is a good idea, but its efficiency is limited because of its short functionality period. In other words, once the ink runs out the pen gets thrown in the trash along with your company’s message.
On the other end of the spectrum there is the promotional magnet. This item is an anomaly because it actually doesn’t serve much of a function except that it sticks to metal! For whatever reason, people are amazingly prone to grabbing a magnet and sticking it on the refrigerator, file cabinet or other appropriate surface. It can perform the function of holding up some important papers, but it doesn’t even have to in order to be desirable. That’s one of the attributes that’s so great about them. Another benefit of using magnets as a promotional tool is that they are inexpensive to produce as compared to a coffee mug or calendar. Once the magnet is placed it rarely is moved. This helps to reinforce your company’s message in your prospect’s sub-conscious until your product or service is needed.
If you’re a small company with limited resources don’t gamble away your advertising budget with hit or miss campaigns like newspaper ads or radio commercials. These types of advertising efforts, by virtue of their temporal format and placement, can be high risk investments. Instead, consider investing some of that money into a more long term approach like the production and distribution of efficient and cost effective promotional items like custom promotional magnets.
For more about a magnet that can be designed to fit your needs please visit: