
The English Tea Rose

The English Tea Rose Honestly, when we talk about the English tea rose, there is really no concrete explanation of such thing. Several different explanations and definitions are given, and some defined the English tea rose as being a typical rose and some defined the English tea rose as mainly a type of tea. These […]

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Loose Leaf Black Tea

Loose Leaf Black Tea The first cup of tea was made from loose leaf black tea. As legend goes, Emperor Shen Nung of China was boiling water one day when the leaves of a nearby plant came loose and fell into his pot. And that was how the first cup of tea was made. Of

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The Chinese Tea History

The Chinese Tea History Tea has long been part of the Chinese culture. For the Chinese, tea is one of the seven necessities to begin a day. Well, China is obviously the homeland of tea. According to some Chinese tea history resources, it was in the southwest part of the country that the tea was

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English Tea Pot

English Tea Pot I am sure that most of us are familiar with tea pots. Probably you have tried brewing teas on your antique tea pots or precious tea pots, and most of those have their own designs. However, when we talk about the English tea pot, we usually question the difference or the distinction

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Red Tea Kettle

Red Tea Kettle When talking about red tea, there are actually two varieties of tea that is meant by the term. You either mean black tea, which is a beverage made from fully oxidized leaves of the tea plant, Camellia sinensis, or the South African rooibos tisane. The Chinese and other Asian cultures call black

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